Pochitto Development

For the last few weeks I've been working on a Tiny Javascript MV* Application Framework, I had several reasons to create my own framework, improving my Javascript skills, learning more about Javascript App Frameworks, and MV* design patterns were the most relevant.

The name of the framework can still change, but for now is called Pochitto, it's dependant on jQuery, and it's < 2kb compressed and gzipped.

Pochitto is inspired mostly by YUI App Framework, it's focused on speed of development, it won't get on your way, it will just get the job done.

You can see a working example of a TODO List here, although TODO Lists might not be the best way to show a framework's potential, it's the most common.

Pochitto let's you use any template library you want, or none at all, it can also send automatic RESTful requests to an URL of your choice to sync your data in memory with your database. So all you have to worry about is adding, modifying and viewing elements in your collection, and pochitto can optionally persist those changes with ajax in the background.

All in all it's a nice little library, with all the basics an App Framework should have and some nice features, easy to pick up and easy to use.

I'll be blogging more about Pochitto soon, but for now, I'll work on the documentation.